Last words

Thank you!

This is the end of the first version of the guide, hope you liked it! I wrote it with all my heart and genuinely hope it will help some of you.

I designed it in a way that allows newcomers to get knowledge easily but I also went into deeper concepts to strengthen the skills of older users. 👏


GitBook truly is an amazing tool that allows me to edit this guide how I want and with great ease. Hence the fact that I said that this is the first version, as I learn more, I will add more content. There is no limit to knowledge. 🌵

At the time of the release, we still are in a bear market, what's better than learning new skills for the next bull run? 😄 Please share this guide with your friends who want to get into Solana NFTs as well as your Solana NFTs friends!

Communities and users that I'd like to thank

Thanks to SolBigBrain, Gaius, and Stephen for letting me use their name/image/content for free on my book. Thanks to;

  • The good Skype who I met in the early days and helped me to improve so much. ❤️

  • My good friend HazeLC who kept me motivated to write even during tough times. ❤️

  • The amazing Devour who believed in me when no one did and hired me as an alpha caller. ❤️

  • Archer from TraderSquare who supported me during my entire journey, an amazing guy. ❤️

Special thanks to these amazing communities I'm part of that provided me some knowledge and showed support during this journey; DedMonkes: 🐒 Geometry Finance: 💸 Bōryoku Dragonz: 🐲 TraderSquare: ▪️

The end...

That's it! I'm about to release the book, please keep in mind that I'm not an English native so writing everything with good English was already a challenge itself.

That being said, if you have any suggestions or spot any mistakes I could've made, I encourage you to send me a message in order for me to have a look at it.

If at some point this book helped you, please consider giving me a follow as well as sharing the guide on Twitter. You might want to follow @SolanaKnowledge as well, at some point, I will make something cool out of it. ❤️ axs: 🐦 SolanaKnowledge: 🐦 Sincerely, axs. 🎉

Last updated