Wallet tracking

Now that you have a base to analyze simple blockchain data let's get right into useful tricks!

Ever wondered how many assets this guy or this influencer has in their wallet? I was asking myself.

- First, you need to find an NFT you're sure your target is owning. Let's take SOL Big Brain as an example, since he looks like an honest and genuine guy I'm almost 100% sure he owns the Solana Monkey Business he has as a profile picture. https://twitter.com/SOLBigBrain (Drop him follow if you're not following him already, awesome guy!)

- Now that you have an NFT tied to the wallet you want to inspect, you need info about this NFT. There are two ways; 1. You have the NFTInspect browser extension and you can simply click on the picture. 2. You don't have it and we need to do it old school. Let's do it old school! The goal is to get our NFT data. We know that this NFT comes from the famous Solana Monkey Business collection, let's get on Moonrank / HowRareIs (websites that give you NFT rankings)

Scroll down a bit and you should have something like this, on this page we can see all the 5000 NFTs of the Solana Monkey Business collection. Now let's use the Filters to get the Big Brain's NFT.

We can see that he has a 'Solana Backward Cap' attribute. So in the 'Hat' category, we will select the Solana backward cap attribute. We can also see that he has a 'Purple' body as well. So in the 'Type' category, we will select the purple attribute.

And voilà! Here is the Monkey we were looking for!

We're almost done anon, only a few steps remaining...

Let's click on the said NFT and then on the 'token' address..

We should be on a solscan page you're familiar with now 😄 Let's click on 'Holders' and let's get this wallet adress!

Let's make magic!

Copy this adress and hop on MagicEden. https://magiceden.io Now at the end of the URL, you will add "/u/insert wallet address here" u is short for user. So basically you're asking MagicEden to fetch data of the user associated with the specific wallet address. You should have this; https://magiceden.io/u/zbFjDhkc7RywwoywSgSSdTge7hwu68pgq5mXjY9WxRG And, good job! We successfully found and tracked the wallet of a public NFT.

Last updated